Business Continuity

Advanced Information Technologies has been meeting their customers business continuity requirements since 2009. Our services protect you in the event of catastrophic hardware failure or facility loss. At the core of this solution is AIT's Network Operations Center (NOC) located in Franklin, Tennessee:

  • SSAE 16 Type II compliant
  • 2N standard construction (no single point of failure)
  • Battery and diesel generator power backups
  • Redundant, auto-failover Internet circuits
  • 4-layer fire protection

In today's "cloud" based information technology world, it is of vital importance to note that AIT does not subcontract this responsibility and place customers' data in a public cloud. Instead, we maintain our own private cloud, comprised of equipment that we own and exclusively maintain in our NOC to which we have 24x7x365 access. Given this, you can rest assured that we are fully responsible and accountable for securely maintaining your valuable data. When your servers are inoperable, lost time is lost productivity, and lost productivity is very costly. In comparison to traditional recovery methods utilizing replacement hardware and restoration from backup data, our services insure that your servers are back online as soon as possible. As part of this solution, we address interim access requirements via remote access to our private cloud and long-term platform replacement with our product provisioning capabilities. When considering continuity of your business's operations, It is important than you have answers to the following questions:

    • What would you do if your server(s) became inoperable, without prior warning?
    • If a catastrophic hardware failure left you without access to one or more of your servers for 3 business days, how much would this cost you? How would you process transactions? How would you continue to operate?
    • If a facility disaster destroyed your network, how would you recover?

Multi-Site Backup Service

The foundation of our business continuity solution is our Multi-Site Backup Service (MSBS). It maintains "snapshots" of your data from the past for easy restoration of files, folders, or entire servers. Everything is automatic and monitored by our team of network professionals. No more swapping tapes, external hard drives, or thumb drives. Or the risk of things not working when you think that they are. Over the years, we have restored things as small as individual files and things as large as huge servers.

Disaster Recovery

Our premier Continuous Data Protection / Disaster Recovery (CDP/DR) service utilizes a combination of the functionality in our Multi-Site Backup Service and real-time replication of your servers to our NOC. This allows for a quicker "spin up" of your servers and provides the capability for you to quickly operate from our data center. Mock restores are conducted to insure that you are prepared and the functionality is complete should you ever have to utilize it.

Contact us today to learn more about how AIT's business continuity services can prepare you for the unexpected.